Substance Use Disorders Treatment
Person-centered substance use treatment for youth and adultsWhat We Do
Our Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Department SUD Treatment Programs offer assessments, Intensive Outpatient programs, Outpatient programs, and case management for youth and adults in King and Snohomish counties.
Programs & Services
Program Description
SUD assessments are conducted during Open Access times. ASAM assessments are used to determine the level of care needed for treatment. In most situations, CHS uses an assessment tool called the GAIN (Global Assessment of Individualized Need) to conduct the clinical assessment. This program is accredited by CARF International and Licensed by Washington State Department of Health.
How to Access Services
Show up during open access times. This is not an assessment appointment, but an opportunity to be seen for an assessment depending on how many show up on a given day and availability of staff. Call our CHS Centralized Screening at 206-362-7282 between 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday – Friday, to learn what to bring with you. Please have your Medicaid/Apple Health or Insurance number available when you call.
Shoreline 17018 15th Ave NE
Open Access Hours – Call CHS Centralized Screening for schedule.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment
Program Description
Intensive Outpatient Treatment (ASAM Level 2.1) is provided for youth and adults. IOP consists of at least 9 hours a week for adults and at least 6 hours a week for youth. Groups are provided 3 times a week to meet these requirements. Additionally, individual and family sessions are provided. Evidence-based practices are used by all our counselors. Some of the EBPs used at this level of care include The Matrix Model, 12 step facilitation, Seven Challenges, Motivational Interviewing, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. For youth only, we provide in school treatment in the Mukilteo School District. Our IOP Program is accredited by CARF International and Licensed by Washington State Department of Health.
How to Access Services
An assessment must be conducted that indicates the need for IOP. If the assessment recommends IOP, you will be given a start date when the assessment is completed. If not, call 206-362-7282 for a treatment planning session.
Everett – Silver Lake 10315 19th Ave. SE, STE 112

Outpatient Treatment

Program Description
Outpatient Treatment (ASAM Level 1.0) is provided to youth and adults at both our Shoreline 170th site and Silverlake in Everett. OP consists of 1-2 groups weekly and/or individual and family sessions. Evidence based practices are used which include MRT, Seven Challenges, ACRA, CRA, Seeking Safety, TF-CBT, 12 Step Facilitation, and Motivational Interviewing. Individuals with both a substance use disorder and a mental health disorder will attend specialized sessions conducted by counselors who are dually credentialed in mental health and SUD. Our OP Program is accredited by CARF International and Licensed by Washington State Department of Health.
SUD Assessment recommending ASAM Level of Care 1.0 or successful completion of IOP.
How to Access Service
An assessment must be conducted that indicates the need for Outpatient care. If the assessment recommends OP, you will be given a start date when the assessment is completed. If not, call 206-362-7282 for a treatment planning session.
Everett – Silver Lake 10315 19th Ave. SE, STE 112
Case Management

Program Description
Case management services are provided if a client is assessed to need higher level of care than we provide and we are working to obtain a placement for them. Case management is also provided if a client becomes disengaged in treatment or when social determinants of health need to be addressed.
Case Management is provided to clients who have been assessed by our SUD counselors or participating in our SUD programs.
Pregnant, Parenting & Postpartum SUD Services
Program Description
Our SUD and Family Support Department collaborate to provide supports specific to recovery for pregnant, parenting or postpartum women. Services can include:
* Substance use disorder treatment that focuses on recovery for women
* Case management and referrals to additional support services
* On-site child care during in-person SUD assesssment and treatment sessions
* Parent coaching to promote strengthening protective factors
* Live in King County
* Have Medicaid (WA Apple Health Insurance)
* Be pregnant and/or a parent (child does not need to be in their primary care)
* Available for new and exisiting CHS clients
How To Access Services:
Call 206-362-7282 or visit our location at 17018 15th Ave NE Shoreline, WA 98155 during drop-in hours Wednesdays, 1-3pm.