Community-Based Intensive Services
Providing intensive specialized services in locations convenient to youWhat We Do
A team of professionals and the supports you choose will meet regularly and work together to reduce social, emotional, and behavioral challenges and address stressors and other barriers to success in the family.
Programs & Services
WISe & Wraparound
Program Description
Our WISe Program is available to Medicaid-eligible children and youth from birth through 21 years of age in King and Snohomish Counties. A team of professionals and other people who support you that YOU choose (friends, family, neighbors, teachers, etc.) …
Your Team Facilitator/Coach will guide the process and ensure that you are getting the supports you need to stabilize the child and family. 24/7 Crisis support services are provided, as well as behavioral health medication prescribing if needed.
Our MIDD Wraparound Program provides a Wraparound Team model for a limited number of children and youth in King County who do not have Medicaid.
Eligibility & How to Access Services
Please call 206-880-8100 and ask for a WISe/Wraparound screening. Eligibility will be determined over the phone. Child must have Medicaid to be accepted into the WISe Program. Please have your Medicaid information for this call. Once you are screened as eligible, you will be scheduled to have an initial assessment or additional phone screening to determine next steps. We strive to make our programs accessible quickly and in the setting that works best for your family!
For further information about WISe in Washington state, you may visit the Health Care Authority’s website:

Infant and Early Childhood (IEC) Mental Health

Program Description
Our IEC therapist provides relationship-oriented therapy to pregnant women, children from birth to 6 years old, and their families. Services are geared to support healthy relationships and address developmental and social/emotional concerns in young children. Our specially trained therapists will meet with you in the location that is most comfortable for you, whether that’s in your home, at a coffee shop or park, or at one of our four offices in King and Snohomish Counties. This program is accredited by CARF International and Licensed by Washington State Department of Health.
Pregnant Women
Becoming a parent is a huge life event! Depression, anxiety, and the lasting impacts of trauma earlier in life can result in increased stress in pregnancy and parenting. We can help address mental health symptoms and support you to be the parent you want to be. We can support you throughout your pregnancy as well as once your baby is born. We specialize in addressing PTSD and supporting bonding with your baby.
Infants & Toddlers
We understand more and more about the emotional experiences of very young children. We understand now that stressful and traumatic experiences impact even the youngest children. All parents strive to protect and care for their babies. When things don’t go as planned, we can help with bonding and attachment, and support you in getting your baby back on track in their social and emotional development. This strengths-based approach supports parents in understanding their baby’s communication and needs and promotes healthy attachment and bonding. Whether your baby is having trouble with sleep, fussiness, behavior issues such as biting, or just seems to not be thriving in the way you hope, we can help!
We support families with preschool aged children by providing clinic-based play therapy and parent support. If you are unable to make it to one of our four clinic locations, we may be able to come to your home! Play is the language of childhood. Just as children play for fun, children also play to express big feelings. Whether its related to a traumatic or stressful experience, or difficulties such as sadness, anxiety, or behavior challenges, we address children’s social, emotional, and behavioral needs by strengthening relationships and providing play therapy.
Children under 6 years old and their parent/guardian or a pregnant woman
Funding eligibility will be determined when screened for services.
How to Access Service
Call 206-362-7282 and request a screening between 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday – Friday. We will need to know: name, DOB, Medicaid/Insurance Number. Please have your Medicaid/Apple Health or Insurance number available. Limited slots available for cost-free trauma treatment for children ages birth to 6 – please call for eligibility screening.